© 2012 Matteo Lencioni | P.I. 00897520466

Over the past years, the fat grafting technique which allows for "filling" emptied tissues is being perfected. The method involves harvesting fatty tissue from the patient.

This means avoiding the intolerances and the risk of rejection which once occurred when synthetic materials (silicones, Gore-Tex) were used.

The old silicone filling procedure, which was unfortunately performed frequently in the past, is absolutely prohibited by the laws in force, due to the serious local (and general) complications which almost always occurred (silicone granulomas, infections, migration of the material and probably systematic collagen diseases years later).

The fat to be used in the safe and natural fat grafting technique is harvested from areas such as the knee, or abdomen via a small cannula connected to a syringe, centrifuged via special devices and then reinjected sterilely in the area to be treated (Sidney Coleman technique). A small part of the grafted fat will be reabsorbed, but it will mostly remain in the treated zone definitively, unlike procedures involving fillers (hyaluronics, collagen) which are always reabsorbed completely after a few months.

With fat grafting, generally small retouches can be performed in limited zones even if lately filling techniques for major deficits are being perfected with consistent amounts of fat (for example, for breast implants) however, in this latter case, a minimum increase in volume can be achieved.

All areas of the body can be treated with the traditional fat grafting techniques.

Fat grafting




Reconstructive plastic surgery and aesthetics

Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic